Castor Fair Schedule. August 15-18, 2024
August 15
12:00 - 4:00 Castor Farmers Market (Castor Community Hall)
Castor Ag Society 50th Anniversary Celebration Cake at 3:00pm!
2:00-3:00 Kids Crafts at FCSS Building
5:00-7:00 Pig Roast (Castor Community Hall), Proceeds to the Castor Rodeo
$20 adult, $10 Youth
8:00 Cornhole Tournament (Hall) $20/team
5:00 - 8:00 pm Fair Entries Accepted. South West Room of Commuinity Hall - For information contact Shelly Pals 403-740-6544.
Fair Book Here. Get your Fair Tags Here.
August 16
9:00 - 11:00 am Fair Entries (Castor Community Hall)
2:00-7:00 pm Petting Zoo (Elevator Grounds)
1:00 - 4:00 pm Judging (Hall closed to the public)
5:00 - 8:00 pm Exhibits Open
5:00 - 7:00 pm Beef Supper by Country Cooking. Cost Per Plate. (Castor Community Hall)
7:00 - 9:00 pm Family Street Dance - at FCSS Building, DJ sponsored by FCSS
August 17
8:00 - 10:00 am Free Pancake Breakfast - By Castor Ag. Society, Please bring a food bank item.
8:00 - 4:00 pm Exhibits Open - Including a demonstration of processing raw sheep wool.
9:00 - 12:00 pm Children's Activities - Free Bouncy House, Face Painting & Glitter Tattoos.
4:00 pm Prizes Awarded (Sponsored by Capital Power)
3:45 pm Pick up Entries
11:00 - 1:30 pm Home Hardware Barbeque - Proceeds to local non-profit
10:00 - 2:30 pm Caster Cruise-In Car Show across from the hall.
1:30 pm Parade on main street - staging at Theresetta School
Kids Bike Show as Part of Parade. See Below for more Information!
After Parade:
2:00 (Aprox) - 4:00 pm Castor Museum open
2:00 (Aprox) - 4:00 pm Touch a Truck Event - located on Grass South of Museum
5:00 -9:00 pm Geoff Dean memorial family BBQ. In Park next to Swimming Pool
Free Swim and DJ, sponsored by Castor Elks
August 18
10:00 am Interdenominational Church Service Location: Grass Lawn to North of Extendicare.
Bring a lawn chair and a Picnic Lunch to enjoy following the service
Rodeo Grounds:
10:00 am *New Time* Castor Rodeo Gymkhana Registration $2 per event. All Ages and Levels Welcome!
10:30 am Gymkhana Starts. Concession available.
4:00 pm ABRA Barrel Jackpot (Registration starts at 2pm)

Kids Bike Parade
Back for 2024!
Bike in the Fair Parade!
Kids are invited to decorate their bike and cycle the parade route.
Prizes for best decorated Bike!
All Kids who participate will recieve a Candy Bag
Where and When?
Theresetta School at 1pm
Saturday Aug 18, 2024.
Kids of all Ages!
Age Categories for Prizes are:
5 and under
6 and Over
Best Decorated Bike in each Category will recieve $10 for First Place and $5 for Second Place
Thank you to the Castor Elks and Castor Fair for Sponsoring the Kids Bike Parade!
Pre-Registration is not required, just show up with your decorated bike.
Helmet is mandatory